


演題: Current Issues in Minimalist Explorations

日時: 2019年10 月19 日(土) 13:30-18:30

会場: 慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 北館3階大会議室

講師: 宮川 繁 氏(MIT 教授)

使用言語: 日本語


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1: The Question Particle in Japanese and the Nature of Exhaustivity in Wh-questions
2: Inducing and Blocking Labeling
3: Systems underlying human and nonhuman primate communication: One, two, or infinite


1: The Question Particle in Japanese and the Nature of Exhaustivity in Wh-questions

2: Inducing and Blocking Labeling

3: Systems underlying human and nonhuman primate communication: One, two, or infinite

4: 全体討論